Quotes From The Author

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Quotes from the Author

God proposes, God disposes.

– Arunachala.Blog

A breath without the thought of Arunachala is a wasted breath.

– Arunachala.Blog

A true Guru embraces your soul, Not the Body.

– Arunachala.Blog

In the path of divine love, there is no chance for love failure.

– Arunachala.blog

True love is always spiritual.

– Arunachala.blog

The root of all suffering is the ego’s constant search for pleasure, fame and fortune which are all Maya (Illusion) and hence temporary.

– Arunachala.Blog

Permanent peace and pleasure is experienced when the mind ceases to calculate time, action and consequences.

– Arunachala.Blog

Lies can live for some time, but will die at the end
Truth may seem to die, but will live at the end
This is reality. Realize, Acknowledge and Embrace Truth

– Arunachala.Blog

Only a Jnani (Enlightened soul) has the merit to be a called a Guru. The Jnani’s grace will help you to dive deep inside yourself and seek the source of all thoughts. Do the self inquiry of “who am I” and you will discover “the self” in the Hrudayam ( Right heart – Spiritual heart) where the almighty exists in all living beings. Now your ego (mind) will merge with the Hrudayam and you will be born again enlightened. Without a living Jnani’s blessings you cannot understand or reach the Hrudayam (Right heart – Spiritual heart).

– Arunachala.Blog

The vanity of the ego causes ignorance and blindness to the truth.
God, the almighty controls the world, every single life in it and their destiny.
But the human ego thinks “I” control my life and destiny.
“When you cannot plan or control your piss, fart or shit
What makes you think that you can plan and control your destiny?”

– Arunachala.Blog

When is a person considered a fool ? –

“When a person takes pride in the world,
When a person thinks that he can derive joy from the world,
When a person thinks that the world cares or has regards for him,
When a person thinks that he is necessary or indispensable for the world,
Then surely, without any doubt this person is a fool”.

– Arunachala.Blog

When we die, we only carry blessings earned in this life to the next,
And nothing else.

– Arunachala.Blog

Life is all about luck and blessings,
But it is destiny and prayers that bring them both to you.

– Arunachala.Blog

Drop your ignorance,
Pains of the past will disappear.
Stop seeking Intelligence,
Fear of the future will disappear.
Start inquiring “who am I”
The ego in the present will disappear.
With no thoughts of past, present or future
You are free, now and forever.

– Arunachala.Blog

Setting apart a separate time for meditation is only for the spiritual novice. A devotee who has a true Jnani as the Guru will always enjoy the deeper beauty of the heart ( self ) at all times. Even when they live in the society, they will do their karmic duties humbly and be in solitude with their “self” always.

– Arunachala.Blog

“The journey to merge with Arunachala is very difficult. You may disappoint your parents and loved ones who are in the grip of Maya. You may become a orphan and a beggar. But when you choose to lose the world and endure sufferings, you will certainly gain Jnana (Enlightenment) with the love and blessings of Arunachala Shiva. Only one in a million undertakes this journey. The others will just remain tourists, tourist guides and photographers pampering their ego or trying to impress and get attention on social media.”


Just because a donkey is bathed in a sacred river it cannot change into a horse. A snake that is fed with sweet juice doesn’t reduce or change its poisonous venom. A person, who does not have a pure mind, does not listen to any good advice. Without correcting the fundamental mistakes in your way of life, one cannot become spiritual. God favors only those who make themselves worthy of his favor”.

