Tips for Tiruvannamalai taxi & Auto rickshaw safety

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 Tiruvannamalai Taxi & Auto Rickshaw safety

Traveling to Tiruvannamalai from Chennai Airport or Bangalore Airport or from Pondicherry to Tiruvannamalai in a Taxi is the most common way of transport for foreign tourists traveling to Tiruvannamalai. Also Taxi / Cabs are the most common ways to travel from Tiruvannamalai to Kerala, Mysore and other tourist places in Tamil Nadu or South India. Whenever you enter a Taxi or a Auto Rickshaw or anything driven by another person in Tiruvannamalai, you give up a little control of your life to someone else. Frequently that individual is totally a stranger to you, so it’s important to contemplate your own safety while using Taxi cabs and Auto Rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai and also other parts of India.

Be careful to choose the right Travel and Taxi agency in Tiruvannamalai to be safe. Taxi drivers and travel agencies in Tiruvannamalai are generally safe in Tiruvannamalai, But yet there are the criminals existing in the travel industry in many forms in Tiruvannamalai.

Not only Solo women tourists but also all other foreign tourists visiting Tiruvannamalai must never book Taxi’s with unknown individuals and you must always reserve your taxi in advance from a known and reputed travel agency.

Many taxi drivers try to make conversation with tourists while traveling in their taxi and so tourists must limit their conversation to essential details with taxi drivers in Tiruvanamalai,as sharing personal information may lead to sharing of your information to other unwanted people. Be professional with taxi drivers and Auto Rickshaw drivers.Never talk about your personal details to them for your own safety

A lot of problems will occur if you do not book your taxi with the right travel agency in Tiruvannamalai.There are many voyagers in Tiruvannamalai who got cheated or defrauded, or much more terrible: threatened and assaulted by taxi drivers and Auto rickshaw drivers..

Tips for taxi safety in Tiruvannamalai –

1. Do not book your taxi without cross checking details with friends or fellow travelers in Tiruvannamalai.Check online and inquire in face book groups in Tiruvannamalai for recommendations.Check with your hotel or other local people as they may recommend a trusted taxi organization in Tiruvannamalai. You may not generally have a companion in Tiruvannamalai and if that is the case then ask somebody around to check whether the taxi person can be trusted.

2. Always clarify to the driver that you know your destination well and you have your hotel reservation done in advance .Do not make the driver feel that you are lost and you are unprepared. Never ask the driver for suggestions to hotels. Make your research on hotels and have them reserved in advance.

3. Not knowing where you are going is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Keep checking on Google map if you are going the right way. If you see the driver taking a different route from the map,you must be aware that the driver is taking you to an inappropriate spot. In the most pessimistic scenario you should immediately ask the driver to stop and clarify the doubt.

4.Keep money change of Rs 10 ,Rs 20 ,Rs 50, Rs 100 for small expenses while traveling as you may not get appropriate change in many places and you will lose more money than expected.

5.Try avoiding to give away your personal phone numbers and address to taxi drivers and travel agencies as many people try to send you inappropriate messages and your social media accounts will have numerous friend requests from many unknown and dangerous people.

6.The moment you land in India try to purchase a Indian sim card and use that number for all contacts in India.

Auto Rickshaws Safety Tips

This post is about the auto rickshaw in Tiruvannamalai and how tourists can deal with auto rickshaws when they travel to Tiruvannamalai.Here are a few hints to assist you with understanding Auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai better.

1) Negotiate the Auto Rickshaw rates in Tiruvannamalai.

There are no fixed rates for Auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai.They do not have fare meters on them to show the cost of traveling.Tourists have to bargain and negotiate with the Auto rickshaws before getting into the Auto rickshaw.Many people do not negotiate.Indeed, it can feel bizarre from the start, however do it! It is always a habit with the Auto Rickshaw drivers to charge extra money than the usual from Foreign tourists. In some cases the drivers start with Rs 250 and we had the option to talk them down to Rs 150. Simply be firm and pleasant.Get into the Auto rickshaw only after understanding and agreeing on the rates.

2) Ask local people in Tiruvannamalai

You can always feel free to ask local people around you about the cost of Auto rickshaws to your destination.We can additionally ask the police and people at the front desk at our hotel.

3) Location and Destination determines the price

Travel cost in Auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai depends on the locations you are taking the Auto and to the destination you are going. If you are hiring a Auto rickshaw near a luxury hotel or near a fancy restaurant,or if you are going to a remote place inTiruvannamalai, the cost will be higher! This applies for all tourist spots too in Tiruvannamalai.

 4) Do not be afraid to refuse or walk away.

It is common for you to move towards one Auto rickshaw driver and suddenly many other auto rickshaw driver will appear, all attempting to lure you into their Auto rickshaws. we should clarify the rates and then get into the Auto rickshaw. If you do not feel fine with the price, you can refuse and leave for another auto rickshaw. Do not hesitate or be afraid to walk away from the Auto rickshaws whom you do not like.

Tipping a Auto rickshaw driver in Tiruvannamalai: There is no reason to give any tip for Auto rickshaws in Tiruvannamalai or anywhere else in India. Try not to purchase anything at any shop which the driver takes you to as he is probably getting a commission and the cost of the products will be higher for you.

A quick note on the auto rickshaw safety in Tiruvannamalai – All things considered, they are fairly safe to ride on. Be careful when taking a ride in the night to remote places in Tiruvanamalai.Do not share your personal information with Auto rickshaw drivers. Be cautious and be aware of yourself, your surroundings and your valuables.

The moment you land in India try to purchase a Indian sim card and use that number for all contacts in India.If you are going to use a regular auto rickshaw for commuting you can give the Indian sim card number rather than giving your personal number.

Try avoiding to give away your personal phone numbers and address as many people try to send you inappropriate messages and your social media accounts will have numerous friend requests from many unknown and dangerous people.

Hotel Safety Tips in Tiruvannamalai

Check your hotel Accommodation Before reserving the hotel in Tiruvannamalai.Regardless of whether you’re remaining in an hotel, an Airbnb, or remaining in guest houses, it’s essential to remember security before you make a booking in Tiruvannamalai.

Keep money and other valuables with yourself. Never leave them behind in hotel rooms.

Keep Your Door Locked always. It’s essential to keep your entry door locked when you’re inside the room. Never leave your entry door open.

Check for Bed Bugs in your hotel in Tiruvannamalai.

Try not to Give Out Personal Information Over the Phone in Tiruvannamalai.

Tell the Hotel manager or the person in charge to make sure that people working in the hotel including the receptionists do not misuse your documents for any purpose as many hotels workers in Tiruvannamalai send friend requests on social media using your documents with real names and phone numbers.

Never invite anyone into your hotel room.
